Thursday, August 20, 2009


OK. So sometimes we know what we want and like even if it's not what's best for us. This was reinforced for me today. I know that I make some decisions that are selfish, emotional, even nonsensical and plain ol' stupid. But I also make well thought out and selfless decisions. I know I'm a good person irregardless as to what anyone says even if sometimes my actions can be interpreted as otherwise. Can I look at myself in the mirror without feeling shameful? Yes. Sometimes I even laugh because folks take life way too seriously. I'm only here once. I don't get to do this again. Will I make mistakes? Yes. Will I stumble? Of course. But I gotta go in with the gusto and be true to myself. I have to live for me. And the only one that needs to live with my actions and the consequences is writing this entry.

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