Wednesday, September 23, 2009


The cloak has been pulled from my eyes and now, we can no longer continue with how things were.
The "maybe-s" and uncertainties of this kindred relationship have now become realities
And the risk is too great to not alter the nature of this joint venture.
So, at my feet is a list of options and variables that can be configured and permutated to create solutions to move forward. Positively.
The past is left behind and I am stepping forward with the new knowledge and certainty that I have acquired from this unfortunate happenstance.
It is your choice as to whether or not you will join me or allow your ego to keep your feet from taking that first step.
I am moving on with or without you.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009


I can't fool myself into believing that I will stop loving you, no matter how hard I try. I can give space. I understand you're on your hustle and trying to advance in this crazy mixed-up world. I am an awesome space-giver. I'm curious to see how much space is too much, what constitutes as too little space, and learning the boundaries of this relationship which seem to ever change. Let's just remember to make time for one another and nuture "us." Even the greatest redwood will cease to exist if it doesn't receive proper water and sunlight.


As I lay in bed, head tilted on the pillow, chin touching shoulder, I am realizing that summer is quickly fading. The sunshine-y warmth of my skin is not radiating as it was just a few short weeks ago. When I awake in the morning there is a crisp chill that lets me know a change of seasons is in the air. The trees are beginning to lose their leaves; I have harvested my tomatoes and peppers; and a fall wreath is on the door. Candy corn and mini chocolate bars line the drug store aisle next to overpriced costumes. I cannot believe that summer, which I had anxiously anticipated, is fleeting so fast. It's like she was never here.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009


Busy with back to school back soon.